2025 Faculty Honor Roll

Spring Fundraiser

 You can make a difference by supporting Faculty Honor Roll! 

Contribute to the funding of classroom needs and boost morale in our AMAZING PHS school community

How Does Faculty Honor Roll Work?

  • Donate ANY amount to the PHS Academic Foundation Fundraiser by mail or online.
  • Choose a PHS Faculty Member(s) to whom you would like to honor.
  • Compose a personal message or an Academic Foundation volunteer will compose one for you.
  • A Faculty Honor Roll Gold Card with the handwritten message will be delivered to your chosen Faculty Member(s) indicating a donation has been made in their honor.
E-mail phsfacultyhonorroll@gmail.com 


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 How Many Teachers Would You Like To Honor?
Please select the number of teachers whom you'd like to honor with gold cards.
 Faculty Honor Roll donation$

A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. Registration #: CH27878


Cover art by Tres Carter, Class of 2018